Sunday, June 18, 2017

Week of June 11 Reflections

Sunday-Ps. 8 is a hymn for the gift of creation. We are different than secular environmentalists, in that we do not worship nature itself, but the God of its creation. Recently one of our confirmands  was struck by holding science and faith together. He is learning to see the world in stereo, through an eye of science and an eye of creation as god’s gift. How do you view creation?

The flame is not diminished in its sharing; the light grows as the fire is spread amongst the people and across the land."--- Christine Valters Paintner,

Monday-François Fénelon-It is false humility to believe ourselves unworthy of God’s goodness and to not dare to look to him with trust. True humility lies in seeing our own unworthiness and giving ourselves up to God, never doubting that he can work out the greatest results for and in us

Tuesday-Anna Mow-No one is ever useless to God. No one who can pray is ever useless. There are many people to perform the needed activities, but too few to take the time for prayer. I suppose the hardest thing about being an invalid, about being “useless,” is that it is much harder to receive help than to give it. It is much harder to be still than to be active. That is why it is important to learn how to be a gracious receiver as well as a gracious giver.

Wednesday-"What is serious to men is often very trivial in the sight of God. What in God might appear to us as 'play' is perhaps what He Himself takes most seriously. At any rate the Lord plays and diverts Himself in the garden of His creation, and if we could let go of our own obsession with what we think is the meaning of it all, we might be able to hear His call and follow Him in His mysterious, cosmic dance.’" ~ Thomas Merton,

Thursday-Every transition has the potential of tapping flecks of gold in your life. Some transitions happen smoothly and naturally; some shake you with a sudden jolt... others seem long and rough--always your life journey is different forever from what it was before. Often we go through a "neutral zone,"* when things fall apart. Question: How is it some persons are transformed?--while others simply go on blindly and miss the flecks of gold? *William Bridges,

Friday-In his Rule, St. Benedict wisely writes that ‘always we begin again.’  I have found these four simple words to be of endless comfort in my own journey, a gentle reminder that I am called to recommit myself to the spiritual path again and again.”-- Christine Valters Paintner,

Saturday-The flame is not diminished in its sharing; the light grows as the fire is spread amongst the people and across the land."--- Christine Valters Paintner,

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