Thursday, December 24, 2015

week of Dec. 20 Points to Consider

Sunday-Ps. 80 is one of our options for today.It is a plea for resotration. It has command of imagery, especially the “bread of tears.” Where do you most nee dresotration persoanlly? where does our country most need restoration.

Monday-The earth and the nations are already in distress and have been for millennia; this is not new. But what will be new is God reorienting all of creation back to what God intended: wholeness, freedom, and justice. Look expectantly this Advent season, Jesus says, for signs of what God is already doing in our midst.

Tuesday-“We who say we love God: why are we not as anxious to be perfect in our art as we pretend we want to be in our service of God? If we do not try to be perfect in what we write, perhaps it is because we are not writing for God after all. In any case it is depressing that those who serve God and love Him sometimes write so badly, when those who do not believe in Him take pains to write so well.”Thomas Merton

Wednesday-A line from the band, Third Eye Blind's song "Closing Time" is "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." As human beings, we dread, perhaps even fear endings. - we don't know what will happen next and that fills us with anxiety or fear. But God promises that our endings can also become beginnings better than we can ever imagine. This world that we know today might end, it could all go away tomorrow, but God will create a new beginning. Jesus tells us that when everything goes away and changes, Jesus and his word endure forever.

Christmas Eve-The word merrythought has been around since the 16th century. It derives from the playful custom of two people pulling the bone apart to see who gets the longest, and therefore, luckiest part. The name refers to winner's happy anticipation of a wish soon to be fulfilled. (Way with Words)

Christmas-"The work of the universe unfolds gently, never rushed.  A baby takes nine months to form in the womb; imagine what kind of work and time the sacred art of living requires.”--- Christine Valters Paintner

Saturday-"O splendor of God's glory bright, from light eternal bringing light;O Light of Light, light's living spring, true Day, all days illumining." Ambrose of Milan,

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