Saturday, July 11, 2015

Week of July 12 pts

Sunday-Ps.24- could be an environmental credo. It also links the temple with creation. Indeed some think the temple was designed to be a microcosm of creation. Where do you see th eking fo glory in the natural world?

Monday-When the truth hurts, we deny, deflect, and defend ourselves. Like a bug hiding from the light, we scurry to find the safety of dark corners so we can hide from the change to which we are being called. But even the darkness is as light to our Lord Jesus who followed us to the very depths of death itself that we might yet be freed to walk in the light. Lord Jesus, when the truth hurts and I try to justify my actions, help me yet to walk by faith. Help me to trust your word and face my sin, that I might honestly repent and live a new life. Thank you for coming to find me in the dark places that I hide and continually raising me from death into life. Amen.Krista Vingelis
Tuesday-God will bring about justice and peace. God will wipe away all tears and bring us to new life. And God will use us to share God's love, grace and mercy. God is turning the world through each person who says yes to God and trusts the Holy Spirit to guide them along the way. Lord, when words fail us, hear the prayers of our hearts. Call to us and guide us as you bring about justice, equality and peace throughout this world. Amen.Jennifer Beil

Wednesday-[W]hen they have opened a gap in the hedge or wall of Separation between the Garden of the Church and the Wildernes of the world, God hath ever broke down the wall it selfe, removed the Candlestick, &c. and made his Garden a Wildernesse, as at this day.” ― Roger Williams,

Thursday-Change, like sunshine, can be a friend or a foe, a blessing or a curse, a dawn or a dusk.William Arthur Ward

Friday-“If you think you know something about God and describe it in words, the God you have described is not God. God is greater than your terminology. God is far greater than your language. God is inexpressible.” Meister Eckhart

Saturday Faith is a gift that requires continual care and renewal; it is not a possession we have in a fixed or permanent state. A Robinson

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