Monday, January 26, 2015

Devotional Pts to Ponder for week of Jan. 18

Sunday-Ps. 139 offers a prayer on the God’s elusive and ever-present relation to us. I love its poetic way of describing how well god knows us and the lifelong loyalty god has toward us. Please consider writing similar notions in your own words as you write your own psalm on the presence of god in your life. God’s love extends beyond the cradle and grave.

Monday-In baptism, we see ourselves in a new mirror. God holds the mirror of Jesus Christ up to us and proclaims you are beautiful, you are whole, you are worthy, you are loved. You are a beloved child of God. That is who you are. That is your true identity. No matter what. May you live out of and into that identity. Julie blum from God Pause

Tuesday-We are baptized for action. We are baptized to go out into the world and be the hands, voice and presence of Christ. Often times we think we are baptized for our own benefit, but in truth we are baptized for the sake of others and for the sake of the world. We are called to make Christ known.What will you do this day to live out your baptism? How will you proclaim, through word and deed, that you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the Cross of Christ forever? Whatever you do, may you be bold in your actions and faithful to your calling. Julie M. Blum

Wednesday-The Church does not dispense the sacrament of baptism in order to acquire for herself an increase in membership but in order to consecrate a human being to God and to communicate to that person the divine gift of birth from God." -Hans Urs von Balthasar, Unless You Become Like This Child

Thursday- Hymn-When Peace Like a River-You have probably heard the story of this hymn. It was written by Horatio Spafford following a series of calamities, including the tragic drowning death of his four daughters. Instead of being justifiably angry with God, this hymn writer proclaims that he is at peace with God. Indeed he praises God for God's great love and grace. To be able to be in a state of peace and well-being when one's life is as peaceful as a river is one thing. But to be in a state of peace and well-being when "sorrows like sea billows roll," is quite another. The author doesn't claim to be able to do this by himself or by his own strength, but gives all the credit to God. He knows that God is the first to weep when tragedy strikes; he knows that in the midst of suffering he is held in God's tight embrace. Julie M. Blum

Friday-In the torment of the insufficiency of everything attainable we begin to realize that here, in this life, all symphonies remain unfinished," wrote theologian Karl Rahner. Ponder:
How is my life like an "unfinished symphony?"

Saturday-from Abbey of the Arts Discernment is the process of listening for movements of grace and Spirit guiding us toward this wholeness, leading us closer to who we were created to be.

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