Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Devotional Points Week of Oct. 13

Sunday-Ps. 66 starts as a hymn to God’s creative power. It then moves to an evocation of god’s providence and governance, in v. 9. “You have kept us among the living and have not let our feet slip.” In other words, the same power that is behind all creation continues in concern and care for us now. When have you been ready to slip physically, emotionally, or spiritually and felt somehow protected from a fall?

Monday-“Open our eyes to see your Spirit in all life. Open our hearts to receive the blessings that is in all created things. Guide us with your wisdom, O God, in the handling of matter, in the sharing of earth's resources and in the knowing of one another, your Spirit within every living spirit.” (JP Newell from facebook) Does this sort of prayer appeal to you? Do you perceive the Spirit of god in creation, in other people?

Tuesday-Jealousy can be attractive, for a moment, as it makes its object feel wanted and important. it is a disabling emotion in a relationship as it corrodes trust. Sometimes jealousy is accurate and is picking up on restless signals. It’s a maddening emotion when someone is innocent and feels accused. to what degree does it emrge from insecurity do you think?

Wednesday-John Ortberg-“
Spiritual growth is not micro-wearable. It can happen only at the rate grace allows. This is good. But very frustrating.” This strikes me as welcome advice in a microwave age. We want things to move a the speed of light. The spiritual life is often a small series of steps, of unfolding. For those of a conversionist mindset, it may start in a flash but ti is a lifetime of practice and change thereafter. When have you noticed some slow even subtle changes in your life over time?

Thursday-"Now, looking through the slanting light of the morning window toward the mountain presence of everything that can be, what urgency calls you to your one love?" David Whyte, What to Remember When Waking and  "You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so... get on your way!” Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go! This was posted recently by someone who had a succession of bad days and another looming day ahead. would this sort of affirmation work for you?

Friday-Anne Lamott- “I do not understand at all the mystery of grace, except that it meets us where we are but does not leave us as we are.” I like this quote as it captures the willingness of god to accept our position as the starting point. it also gives lie to the common misperception that God’s interest is then finished. No, our starting point si our present condition but god is not content to leave us there, as god sees oin us wellsprings of potential/

Saturday-A number of pastors have been lamenting the devastating budget news in their churches of late. We too are facing a major deficit. Part of it is the economy and fears about it, but part of it is a change in our relationship to the church. It seems that we feel as if our contributions are contingent on our agreement with its actions, as if contributions are votes. To what degree do you see generosity to the church as an indicator of spiritual health?

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