Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jan, 13 Week Devotions

3-Ps,29 is likely influenced by the prayers of Canaan’s religion, as reflected in material at Ras Shamra. It has a primitive sound, does it not, all of the power of god roaring through nature. After all of that power, at the end, the blessing is for shalom:peace, health, well-being, security.where do you notice the power of God? where would you like to see the peace of God made manifest?

Monday-I was utterly bored at a meeting recently.I do not do well with that. I can read a book while waiting, but it is rude, even for me, to pull out a book during a meeting. So, I started writing out notes about these devotions, my next column, and some class notes.What do you do to combat boredom in an uncomfortable situation/ how do you combat boredom in your spiritual life?

Tuesday-I picked up a new book by Stassen on a “thick” description of Jesus in our time.What he means is meeting jesus in the full context and history of our communities.Jesus cannot be cheapened by merely being a slogan or a bumpersticker. the fullness of his life and teaching must be integrated into our time, our condition, our place. this is not easy; it takes reflection and work within Christian community.

Wednesday Our Book of Order does a good job outlining the work of deacons in a church.At leas tin the previous incarnation it says” the office is one of “sympathy, witness and service aft er the examle of Jesus Chrsit.” Among the qualities desired are “brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, and sound minister to any in distress within and beyond the community of faith.” It requires humility and an unwillingness to try to impose christian answers to a secualr society, but it does ask hwo we can move together.

Thursday- We spent a good deal of time working out a form for a worship grant.A number of exemplary quotes were in the materials including:”Witlvliet’s “Worship can serve as the source and summit from which all the practices of the Christian life flow. Worship both reflects and shapes the life of the church.” or Thomas Long: “the words of worship are like stones thrown into the pond; they ripple outward in countless concentric circles,, finding ever fresh expression in new places...worship as a soundtrack for the rest of life...playing in the background.”

Friday-I was recently invited to consider how the Psalms speak to us as we grow older.First, I think of Ps. 71 that directly speaks of growing older and looking back through a long life. More than that, one could read a psalm and apply directly to our current situation. another opportunity would be to take a psalm, say #13 and rewrite it in language comfortable for you that fits your circumstances right now. they are our prayerbook, and we do well to employ it regularly.

Saturday- A program on “living faithfully in trying times” is being offered in our area soon. It draws from recent work by Philip Carey.Carey wonders that the dominant american christian view is so self-centered that it misses important elements of the faith. Orthodox Christianity seeks god’s voice and will through engaging Scripture, more than “listening for God in one’s heart.” In other words, to deal ith the anxiety of an over-scrupulous piety, he urges us to  keep a focus on Christ.

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