Sunday, September 2, 2012

OT Notes Prov. 22

1) For me, hands down, the best reader of Proverbs is the preaching professor at Perkins, Alyce McKenzie. 2) Obviously the lectionary is going for comments on riches, but one could feel free to add to the readings. This is tricky, as Proverbs often links prosperity to blessing, to walking in the way of wisdom.Go through some of our saying about money:money can;t buy happiness/can;t buy me love." 3) It could be fun to run some secular proverbs/sayings/bumper stickers to sit along the words here. "the one who dies with the most toys wins." 4) Proverbs are not theories, and they may conflict. different bits of wisdom may apply to different situations. After all, "he who hesitates is lost," but "when in doubt, hesitate." Donald Capps did some good work on Proverbs and pre-marital counsel. 5) Our short lines certainly demonstrate the preferential option for the poor. 6) If one dares, we could line up the political platforms of 2012 to our lines. 7) What are the causes of poverty or wealth in our time? How do we line up characteristics of each category?

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