Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gen. 45 This is about forgiveness, surely. My favorite book on forgiveness is still David Augsburger- Caring Enough to Forgive/Caring Enough Not to Forgive. Gregory Jones of duke has Embodying Forgiveness.  n approach from a different angle is  one by    Is Human Forgiveness Possible?
1) I just realized that Joseph is as tricky as Laban and Jacob. His teaching tricks and ploys are worthy of them both.We are also back to the old family game of blindness, as he keeps them in the dark about his identity.
2) What meanings can we assign to his loud, loud weeping?
3) This great cry of forgiveness is repeated in ch. 50. it is the great answer to the dolts who insist on drawing a sharp line between OT and NT ethics.
4) Joseph would have been a good Calvinist- look at his view of providence in v. 8
5) Joseph gives them garments, maybe many colored cloaks. Notice his warning in v. 24.
6) One could do a powerful dramatic sermon on Jacob hearing the news about Joseph. Janzen in Abraham p.176 links it to the reaction of Easter.
7) Joseph does not forget. He seeks change in the brothers and sees it. The whole issue with Benjamin is to see if they have experienced moral growth. Notice the willingness to represent the other brothers for protection.

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