Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dan.7:1-3, 15-18 second cut
1) I'm glad we have this choice, as I am weak on the book of Daniel in general. this section moves from Daniel interpreting dreams to being the seer. It also is a decisive move into apocalyptic. Some date material to the time of the rebellion against Antiochus and the period of  Hanukkah, 160s BCE.
2) the four winds( see Zech.2:6)  are attacking the sea in the LXX. tghe word is birth pangs in Micah 4:10.We are in mythic territory certainly. See also 1 Enoch and four angels. See Job 26:12 and Ps. 89:9-11 for more cosmic weaponry.
3)Now four great beast arise. the are creatures of the deep, maybe ancient chaos itself. Clearly Rev. plays off this. Political powers are associated with evil here. Also the sea could stand for the nations of the earth (Is. 17:12, Jer. 6:23) This is no surprise for a long colonized people to imagine.  We may also be in Persian Terrijo with its emphasis on dualism, good v. evil.  Some think the four beasts are a symbol for the entirety of wrong as in Zech. 1. As you can see these are mixed beasts, so they are unclean beasts. IB (457) the beasts emerge from our own hearts. In our time Walter /Wink would call the beast powers as in powers and principalities.
4) Our passage concludes with an emissary giving explanation of the vision. the dream interpreter now needs help in interpretation, like a therapist going to a therapist.
5) Quite simply, power arises and falls, but god will win out in the end.  the fourth beast gets elaboration later, if you choose to go that way.
6) the old IB (449) sees this as a "trumpet call to loyalty." whenever it was recorded ti reflect the difficulties of a colonial people and the prevailing cultural assumptions. As religion grows culturally disestablished n this country, we too face these issues of drawing the line.
7) Apcalyptic material appeals to the underclass when they feel beaten and need outside, external help to change their world. they are encouraged when they see that might does not last forever.
8) IB (450) links the beast to the metals of ch. 2. In both cases, they decline in value.
9) sons of the most high can be saints/holy ones. Possibly this refers to the angelic host. The will possess the kingdom the way we hold property.

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