Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is. 1:10-20 for August 8

1) In v. ten, notice that both the ruler and people are part of the doomed cities as a trope
3)first God accuses. this has the sound of the courtroom, the rib, in Hebrew. A ritual question gets an answer about justice. Liturgy without justice does not please God. Protestants should pay heed that not only ritual sacrifice but even feast days and prayer are improper without justice. Put differently, this is not against liturgy, it assumes liturgy. its problem is liturgy/worship in the absence of jsutice. Social life can stain the liturgy every bit as much as an indiviudal sin.
4) the a shift at 16-17. If the courtroom image prevails, then this is the purpose of the courts and it sounds like Thurgood Marshall, so decried by the right at the Kagan hearings: to help those who need help. v. 17 is a summary of Hebrew justice expectations.
5) it does seem that change, even here, is possible.
6) LBJ loved, come let us reason together, but NRSV has it as argue it out (in court)
7) What is good and bad about the image of God as judge for us?
8) Look at the discussion in the old IB, 171-174.

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