Lenten Devotional Week of March 2
Sunday March 2-When March arrives, I become tired of winter weather. I console myself with the thought that March weather requires just a bit of patience, and we won’t be stuck in the house for very long. Lent always points to spring. Even when we are in the spiritual doldrums, we can look to new growth, the fresh green of hope.
Monday-The issue of God and human suffering recurs for me. The author of Saralyn’s textbook has a new book on it, God’s Problem. I’ve bee haunted by the cancer taking the young adult son of a member of presbytery. I have no patience with those who insist that suffering is somehow good for us. That seems to come from a position of not suffering oneself. That kind of natural evil in nature does not make any sense ot me as a punishment, or a teaching tool. For me its value lies in our compassion and abilities to help heal wounds.
Tuesday Jeremiah is the feature in the new Interpretation journal. Kathleen O’Connor’s piece reminds us of how much people suffered due to the exile. We respond to evil by crying out to God. That is not the same as complaining, but a heartfelt plea for help when we are overwhelmed. Jeremiah is not among the favorite Scripture list due to his honesty in baring pain before God. It’s a bit like overhearing an intimate conversation, a violation of spiritual privacy.
Wednesday- Why are you making such a big deal out of this? How many times have you heard that question? We tend to minimize our wrongs and blame overreaction on the part of the wronged one. How can we come to appreciate the perspective of someone, even when they do seem to be blowing something out of all proportion?
Thursday- Leviticus is routinely skipped. I must admit, I have little patience for close descriptions of sacrificial rituals. It has some vital points for us, even if the rituals seem far-removed from us. A life without rituals is impoverished, as we have no traditions to go by and make up too much on the spur of the moment. Its words on the Sabbath are important safeguards from becoming addicted to work.
Friday-Here’s another quote from the Bonhoeffer devotional, I Want to Live these Days with You. “God bears our burdens. “ If we cast off our burden of the suffering of others, we carry a heavier burden, the burden of ourselves. That is why Jesus says to take his yoke, the yoke of the cross, not misery and despair, but rest and refreshment for our souls.”
Saturday-Laughter can be a Lenten gift. It is noteworthy how often laughter is directed against someone. For those who like to give up something, maybe that would be a good workout. Fro those who prefer to do something positive, what would be a place where laughter would be encouraging and helpful? Where are places in your own life where laughter is the appropriate response?
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