Sunday -Psalm 78- I half expected the psalm for today to refer to the testing at Massah and Meribah for the reading from Ex. 17. It is a recitation of the events of being freed from slavery in Egypt. It emphasizes the vital import of teaching the Biblical stories and words to our children. It can be a good spiritual exercise to seek the hand of god over the events of one’s own life.
Monday-Sometimes when I don't know what to pray, I pray the psalms. They are so honest and put into words many of my emotions. This song, based on Psalm 104, echoes many of the psalms of praise. The writer, Robert Grant, was a privileged man who was concerned with social issues of his day. He fought for many minority groups who were oppressed and who had little voice.>aurie Neil
Tuesday (Drawn from God Pause on Philippians) Paul says to live then in a manner worthy of the gospel. One aspect of that worthiness is unity—" ... striving side by side with one mind. I rarely see any group operating with one mind. when it does, it usually means trouble, as we are falling into a trap, too quick an assumption, or “groupthink.”...
Wednesday-Prayer is to spirituality what the laboratory is to science: the place for experimentation, innovation and surprise. Your fingers get burned and beakers explode and your hands get cut. You go back to life and it explodes with an Aha!--accompanied by blood, sweat, and tears! - Ira Kent Groff
Thursday-(The Eucharist) became, already in the first centuries after Jesus’ death and resurrection, a powerful symbol of unity, of giving and sharing, of allowing the breaking of self and giving the self over for the world. It was the secret ritual by which the community defined itself and held itself together in its essential message. Frankly, most people have never been ready for its radically demanding message of solidarity with both suffering and resurrection. richard rohr
Friday-"May I, my you, may we-not die unlived lives.-May none of us live in fear -of falling or catching fire.-May we choose to inhabit our days,-to allow our living to open us,-to make us less afraid,-more accessible,-to loosen our hearts-until they become wings,-torches, promises.-May each of us choose to risk our significance,-to live so that which comes to us as seed-goes to the next as blossom-and that which comes to us as blossom,-goes on as fruit." (Dawna Markova)
Saturday-In God Pause, nate Bendorf wrote recently that we may wish divine revelation and answers to our questions on a “silver platter.” Instead, Jesus sometimes answered a question with another question. Sometimes, answers match the Christian life. answers emerge slowly in the flow of life, its ups and downs, its hills and valleys, its light and dark moments. we sometimes need to grow into answers. Sometimes, only perspective can giv eus the angle of vision w eneed to come to grips with an unbidden answer.