Is.11:1-10 First cut.
1) Sometimes, even when a tree seems dead, a new shoot can spring from what seems to be a lifeless, useless stump. This is not resurrection, but it is close. Of course, why would the writer pick such an image if the monarchy were strong? It could be a branch out fo the trunk, as the same word, gaza
The Davidic emphasis explains the concern for Davidic background in the gospel listings of Mt. and Lk.
One could also look to fit this more directly into an Advent theme that matches the meaning assigned to candle 2.
One could also speak of Advent 1 and 2 as where this is fulfilled by Christ and where we yet wait for its completion.
2) We use the gifts of the spirit here in baptism. Realizing its source, how does this affect your reading of baptism? Notice that the wisdom and understanding trun back the star tof the book's accusations.
3) Some folks differ, but I see this text as envisioning an end to violence in the human and natural world, maybe even the threat of violence, as the predators lie with the former prey.
4) Again look at the social dimension of governance and it direction here. Notice the clothing metaphor in v. 5.
5)The Peaceable Kingdom series is worth a look at how the animals change over Hicks Quaker painter's lifetime.Notice that some of this is repeated and amplified in the new creation of Is. 65:17-25. This is a good example of an interweaving of material throughout the book.
6)Would v. 9 mean some sort of communication with God and the natural world? Everything gets to share in Israel's knowledge of God. Fretheim in God and Creation (265) looks toward a day when nature will only praise.Think of Julian of Norwich all will be well and all will be well. We just read this verse at Is. 65:25. It is also at Hab.2:14.
7) How I yearn for signs of peace with the Middle East and now Korea baring claws again. We look at wildlife drama but don;t focus on the red in tooth and claw portions all of the time. In the face of the new Know Nothing Tea Party, how I yearn for leaders liek that of Is. 11:1-5.